Why do I Write

I don’t have natural talent like a lot of people, and I never really enjoyed writing. In fact I still don’t believe that I have a knack for it. But I still write, and I have a blog. Here’s the back story.  

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Why is it so hard to write?

I know what I want to write, I have the sentences, complete paragraphs in my mind. So why can’t I produce them on paper or on my laptop screen? Why do the words not come out of me, words that I put together to form an idea, and put them out for the world to read?

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What is Final Year, even?

another one of those ‘look, i’m studying but not really’ vsco pictures

So we need to talk about college, and more specifically, the final year of college. It is definitely the hardest, harder than all the previous years combined. Why is that? Like, who decided, “yes, this year will be harder than all of your previous years of education combined.”

There has not been one week where I had just one or two or even three things to do. nah-uh. It is always 5 or more tasks to do, at once. I need a break, we all need a break. The world is dying and we just need a break. We can do something about the world, maybe, but not college. However, I’ve learned a couple ways to keep my sanity. And I thought, why not share it with the world on this blog that people don’t really read. So here goes nothing. *rolls up sleeves*

One thing that has worked for me all through my college years has been to switch between tasks to keep my mind from not getting fried; and I’m not talking multitasking. A lot of people told me that I should focus on one thing at a time and not do other things as it would make me distracted. But, personally, I’ve found that it actually helps me focus better and get better results. I switch between an assignment, studying, walking around the house listening to music, writing (as I am doing now), dancing around crazily (really, it’s downright scary), watching shows or movies, and doing tasks for college clubs. While binge-watching is hella fun, this actually helps me feel productive also.

Okay, so I know literally everyone talks about this, but I’m still gonna stress on it. W-A-T-E-R. t is the holy grail, it is nectar, it is everything you wish for in life. Drink like 10 bottles of water a day, my friend.

Take a mental health day. Well, at least that is what I like to call it. Basically, once every month I stay at home, and do whatever calms me down at that moment. I do not look at my phone all day unless something ABSOLUTELY needs my attention, do not do anything related to college for that day, and mostly I just catch up on sleep. I do my best to stay away from technology and I do everything my mind wants me to do so that it slows down. My top 3 activities are: sleeping, walking/ jogging, and reading a book.

Now, this may sound weird. But since this post is about my hacks, I might as well tell ya’ll about how I get through all-nighters, which are very common for college kids. I like to put on headphones, put on workout or fun songs and just dance. Most of the time, it cannot even be called dance. I flail my arms around, do weird shit but its fun and helps me sweat out all the tension that has built up. If you’re game, maybe you could try it and see if you like it; because I can tell you that this rocks.

To-do lists are another holy grail of life. I make to-do lists everyday, and the satisfaction of crossing stuff out of the list when you finish them is absolutely amazing. To-do lists also help you think your tasks through and prioritise them. I have a daily to-do list and a major, generally monthly to-do list; this helps me focus on tasks in a more comprehensive manner and not lose focus of the structure of major tasks.

Clean your table/workplace. Nah, this isn’t me telling you to keep it clean. I suck at it. But when you get time, clean it up, it make you feel better about working in a clean environment. But this point isn’t for you if you work well in an organised mess.

Speaking of environment, I discovered that my mind doesn’t feel as burnt up when I switch rooms sometimes when I study? Sometimes my room, sometimes the hall or the dining table, sometimes my mom’s room; the different environments actually help me feel good and energised about doing my work. A change of scenery is always good.

Well, those were some of my hack, I guess. I had fun typing this post out as it made me actually realise that these are stuff I do regularly to help myself survive college and all the work that comes along with it. See if one of these helps you, and if it doesn’t, thanks anyway for reading till the end!

College is HARD

a letter to myself (?)

So yeah, the title tells you what life has been like for me and every other college-going student. It’s hard, it’s annoying, you consider dropping out at least once, and cry a lot, eat and sleep either very less or a lot. You can never do just one thing at a time. While writing this, I’m actually also working on an assignment, a research project and studying. You are never doing just one thing at a time. Weekends are either just sleep or no sleep. Either this or that, either treat yourself to a moment of peace or.. not. Okay, no wonder my immunity has gone down real bad.

But, despite all of this, there are some moments of stillness that I look forward to, some pretty strange. The quiet corners of college that I like to escape to before exams, the classes in which my mind blocks out everything else, the few times I betray tea and drink coffee in the canteen, the time i waste taking random pictures, and some other silly things like that. Sometimes, maybe once a month (?), I feel like dressing up. I put on a lil makeup, dance around while choosing clothes and shoes and feel happy. It’s my final year now. Sure, I’ll definitely have other challenges to take up and other annoying things to endure, but these strange little pockets of happiness won’t be the same somewhere else. College is hard, but unknowingly you find a special ‘your place’, your thing, or maybe you won’t. But it’s a lot of time in one place to not be able to find something that is yours. So basically, this post is me trying to tell myself to record those moments and write about them more.

What spirituality means to me.

Now, I know I'm not really qualified to write about being spiritual, and, 
really, what 17 year old is? And I really don't want to piss off the 
spiritual teachers and leaders around the world. But I've been winging 
everything in my life for a long time, so why not keep up  the streak? 
And to quote something I've seen online, "Never resist an impulse, Sabrina,
 especially if it's terrible."

Continue reading “What spirituality means to me.”